Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Skin Change

Once again, a major shift is in the works, and it’s likely our most exciting change yet.

Our team of scientists concluded that Lifted needs a more original look.  Specifically, it looks too much like Mirror’s Edge (... something about using their concept art as our visual target?).  Mirror’s Edge was an AWESOME game, and a huge inspiration for our gameplay and visual direction - but it’s rarely a good sign when players are distracted by how much your game looks like another.

Light Bulb Moment
While considering where else we could go visually, we did some research, and brainstormed... a lot.  Our biggest light bulb moment came when we acknowledged that our game takes place in a virtual network - essentially the internet.  This is visually significant, because no one knows what the internet looks like.  We realized this gave us a relatively huge amount of freedom.  Which was both exciting and terrifying...

Theme is Everything
As far as creating experiences goes, having a theme is crucial.  Your theme is basically the filter through which all other creative ideas flow.  It’s the frame of reference a team can use to determine the validity or relevance of a design idea.  And with our original direction out the window, we were left without one.
Lucky for us, other people have tried to imagine this stuff before... namely the makers of Tron.  The vision for Tron was ground-breaking when it first emerged, and the recent re-imaginings by Disney and crew are just as awesome.  Which is why the sharp contrast, highlights, and strictly geometrical architecture found in that universe are making their way into Lifted.
We also looked toward games like Mass Effect, Portal, and Assassin’s Creed for inspiration in the “futuristic design” department.  

The new visual direction will affect both Story Mode and Pro Mode, either of which can be found on our new landing page (Just click “PLAY”).
Be sure to check them out, and let us know what you think!

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